Saturday, March 2, 2019

Facing the New Rome

On March 2, 2019 Richard Rohr posted this:

“Paul offers a theological and ontological foundation for human dignity and human flourishing that is inherent, universal, and indestructible by any evaluation of race, religion, gender, sexuality, nationality, class, education, or social position. He does this at a time when perhaps four out of five people were slaves, women were considered the property of men, temple prostitution was a form of worship, and oppression and wholesale injustice toward the poor and the outsider were the norm. Into this corrupt and corrupting empire Paul shouts, ‘One and the same Spirit was given to us all to drink!’ (1 Corinthians 12:13). (Then) Paul levels the playing field: ‘You, all of you, are sons and daughters of God, now clothed in Christ, where there is no distinction between male or female, Greek [Pagan] or Jew, slave or free, but all of you are one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 3:26-28). ‘You are the very temple of God” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).’ “

When Rohr writes, “Into this corrupt and corrupting empire Paul shouts…”  Paul by way of our author is talking to us in our time. We are confronted with the great corruption of the Globalist world atheist order that is forcing an aggressive materialism on the nations of the world. Not unlike Ancient Rome today billionaires and oligarchs lurk in the shadows with their lurid agenda in their hands.

Read more about Fr Richard Rohr:    

Friday, March 1, 2019

Creation Spirituality

Some thirty years ago when we were studying the sources of the Perennial Wisdom we found Matthew Fox a Roman Catholic author who was not very popular with the hierarchy of his faith.  He suffered expulsion from the Church over his belief in Creation Spirituality a form of the Philosophia Perennis which sees Christ in everything. He is now a Episcopalian priest and also has a foundation to study the idea of panentheism a belief also found in Richard Rohr’s work.  

In a recent post Rohn said the following, “the Apostle Paul merely took incarnationalism to its universal and logical conclusions. We see that in his bold exclamation: “There is only Christ. He is everything and he is in everything” (Colossians 3:11). If I were to write that today, people would call me a pantheist (the universe is God), whereas I am really a panentheist (God lies within all things, but also transcends them), as were both Jesus and Paul.”

This is the sort of bold talk that lead to the expulsion of Matthew Fox.  Yet as people continue to stand up for the Cosmic Christ and his omnipresence we can move Christendom towards the New Covenant.  

Robert Rohr
Matthew Fox

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fr Richard Rohr Perennial Christian

Since the 1980’s when we first started publishing articles about the Perennial Philosophy the topic has gained a great deal of attention.  This is a very good development.  Many people have written about the Philosophia Perennis or have referenced it in their work while others have clearly used the worldview of perennialism as a framework to write in.  

One author and religious leader is  Richard Rohr,  (born 1943),  is an American author, spiritual writer, and Franciscan friar based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He was ordained  in the Roman Catholic Church in 1970.  His Center for Action and Contemplation has many educational and spiritual activities and emails regular updates to subscribers.  His messages are Christian meditations which are decidedly perennial in nature.
Recently he made the statement, “Long before Jesus’ personal Incarnation, Christ was deeply embedded in all things—as all things!”. Of course this is the very heart of the perennialist analysis of Lord Christ as a cosmic eternal being who is timeless and was always here.  He wasn’t just a “one-off” phenomena often depicted by some of the “Bible school” adherents who insist on the Jewish Messiah theory.  

Fr Rohr’s daily readings can be accessed at:  

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Sign

"Christ Appears to Mary Magdalene" by Albert Pinkham Ryder, 1847-1917