Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts

Saturday, March 4, 2023

The Light of the Silver Moon


From time to time I select something from my book The Other Road Ahead and write a brief comment to expand on the ideas in the book. dsr

February 15 Moon

Some calendars turn on the phases of the Moon and the tides rise and falls because of its motion. The metal silver is attributed to the Moon as are the Owl and the Cat. Various behavior is explained by Lunar movements. There is mystery in how it seems to be larger when it rises at different times of the year. The Moon also tells us secrets about ourselves.

February 28 Silver

One of the metals of the ancient world, silver, the bright white reflective substance has been mined and treasured for centuries as the queen of metals. Often associated with the Zodiac sign Cancer, the Moon, the Archangel Gabriel (Aah), and clarity of vision. This precious metal wards off evil while attracting the wisdom of Divine Sophia which is the Holy Spirit to some people.

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Within the pages of my book The Other Road Ahead there are many examples of seeing the miraculous hidden in plain sight. It is one of the reasons I wrote it. There are insights available everywhere which do not require a special certification to view. If we want to see our world more fully this can be accomplished by just paying close attention to what is in front of us.

Embedded in our culture are many signs and symbols that arise from our imagination but we are barely aware of it consciously. In visual art, poetry, and song there is often a level of meaning that comes to the creator both rationally and through the unconscious mind. Fragments of thought that crop up involuntarily but add meaning to the work.

The playful tune "By The Light of the Silvery Moon" was a popular love song. The music was written by Gus Edwards, and the lyrics by Edward Madden. The song was published in 1909 and covered numerous times over the years. An excerpt follows:

By the light of the silvery moon,

I want to spoon, to my honey I'll croon love's tune,

Honeymoon keep a shining in June,

Your silvery beams will bring love dreams, we'll be cuddling soon,

By the silvery moon.

The two February readings have an eerie resonance to the 1909 song about the relation between "silver" and the Moon in a very mystical manner. The energy of the metal wards off evil making room in the material world for the Divine Sophia who embodies the Holy Spirit of wisdom that shapes our concept of love. Without the intersession of Sophia in our world it would just be potential and form without the virtues that make life bearable.

The song also references " June" the traditional wedding month which includes the magic concept known as the union of opposites; the Bridal Chamber in Gnostic Christian terms where the possibility of a resolution dwells. Here in a mystical "honeymoon" light and dark, good and evil, are dissolved into their original forms and return to the Source. The "...silvery beams..." of light energy emanating from a beneficial moon bring forth love and companionship.

Do I think the lyricist E. Madden studied mystical thinking? Maybe not but he was deeply dipped in the creative world of poetry and songwriting in early 20th century New York City. Ideas were flying and discussion ranged widely he was always dealing with human emotions and impressions. The unconscious mind is a permeable membrane that is constantly transferring information up and down, in and out. Existing just below the surface of our world are great perennial wonders that outcrop in the most mundane and wonderful places.

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Monday, December 27, 2021





This is a reading from my book The Other Road Ahead, p.389

December 24                         Angels

There are seasons in each person which are ignored by our modern worldview. At one time it was thought that each hour was ruled by a different angel. The extent of angelic influence was controlled by other celestial aspects, the phase of the Moon for instance. We could analyze our actions through a cosmic lens which helped us find our place in the universe and overlook mundane squabbles.


There was a time in Western Civilization when we were not ruled by the mechanical ticking of the clock or flashing digital numbers that are everywhere around us telling us what time it is. Instead the day was divided into periods that were each presided over by a different angel. This is a notion that seems to us to be both unfamiliar and complicated if not a little far-out.

Yet in the Middle Ages it made perfect sense. This is explained very well by the people at the Network for Grateful Living*: "What is an ‘hour’? Is it nothing more than a unit of time composed of 60 minutes? Is it measured by numbers or by impressions, feelings, moods? Like the seasons of the year, the seasons of the day differ by the way we experience them. Each hour we encounter has a character and a presence infinitely richer and more complex than clock time. As a messenger from another dimension — an angel perhaps — an hour has its own unique significance."

Each hour has its own unique signature in our life. If we can train ourselves to understand that every hour is a blessing then we are on the path of The Other Road Ahead.


The following is the description of the December illustration in the book The Other Road Ahead, that are placed on the back of the re-prints.

Cosmos (December)

This delightful drawing reminds us of a late Medieval belief represented by the seven planets of our consciousness. Each planet represented a different stage of the unconscious mind and together they formed a map of our world and the universe we live in. The Earth represented the material world and the orbiting spheres symbolized among other aspects wisdom, desire, conflict, and judgment.

Cosmos can be purchased with this  LINK

All of our re-prints are available at: Art Reprints  

This road is about travel however it is not a straight line Interstate Highway where you can get somewhere very fast but not see anything interesting. Nope. The Other Road is an elliptical narrative like driving a country road with many twists, turns, side trips, and roadside attractions of hidden knowledge, ancient wisdom, and magic. It will build your spirit one daily stop at a time.

You can purchase my book, The Other Road Ahead, by clicking HERE

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Friday, August 30, 2019

The Divine Embryo (update 8-19-21)

The Archangel Gabriel appears to Mary

 The cosmic event that shakes our world.

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? Luke 1:34 KJV

[Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I am a virgin?" Luke 1:34 NAS]

Two translations, the King James Version and the New American Standard, both conveying the same meaning.

Perhaps this statement spoken by Mary and recorded by the Apostle Luke is the most controversial in the New Testament. It seems to be an enigma. Within this short sentence is a challenge to the rational mind and an assault to our understanding of time and space.

The man who would be known first as Jesus and later Lord Christ born to a woman was the Son of God and the King of the Universe. This man who changed the course of history for the last two millennia was the product of a birth by a virgin, a woman who had not had sexual relations. “How can this be…”?

This human event that has never been duplicated continues to fascinate the believer and perplex the atheist. It has taken us over two thousand years of natural history study to finally glimpse the root of this awesome occurrence.

In the last half century the study of human embryos has unwittingly shed light on this mystery of the Virgin Birth. Modern scientist were perhaps the last people who would have wanted to help the world understand the testimony of Mary. More interested in establishing a “Brave New World” than casting light on an ancient conundrum the idea of cellular embryology verifying a Christian truth was not in the mind of the molecular biologist of the XXth Century.

Yet in this field of study we get a glimpse of a deeper truth that surrounds the Virgin Birth. In the 1970’s Dr. Patrick Steptoe and Dr. Robert Edwards introduced the concept of “in vitro fertilization”1 as a fertility aid2.. Their research lead to what is now called the In-Vitro Services Industry (IVF) which is a multi-billion dollar business. Its theory and practices are well understood and used throughout the globe.

By studying this process it became obvious to me that the question asked over two thousand years ago could be part. The embryo that would develop within the womb of Mary was implanted by God. There was no genetic material from her or her (soon to be) husband Joseph involved. The event was complete unique. The blood ties to history were broken. Jesus the Lord Christ was born of a woman as every other human on Earth but had no hereditary linkage to anyone except God.

As this idea developed in me a question was generated. Yes an embryo from outside the body can be successfully implanted into the lining of the womb but where did the embryo come from?

After some further research I found the answer in Luke 1:35, “And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” There the answer was in plain sight. “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee...” The embryo was a material manifestation of a Divine entity delivered through the Holy Ghost of God [the Highest] into the uterus of Mary.

That explained the delivery system but still left the big question open of how was the Divine Embryo created. Of course I do not pretend to know the internal process of God. Jacob Boehme tells us about the continuous process of Creation being generated around us so I knew there would be an indication for us to follow3. What I was looking for was in John 1:1-5.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

God creates material objects out of nothing (darkness) through the use of His Divine light (supernatural energy).

I can imagine that even for God the creation of a viable embryo and implanting it in a human womb was perhaps a challenge and that is why it does not seem to happen everyday. Yet in this case the operation went flawlessly.

1“in vitro fertilization”
noun, a specialized technique by which an ovum, especially a human one, is fertilized by sperm outside the body, with the resulting embryo later implanted in the uterus for gestation.

2In this essay by Tian Zhu is a brief history of “in vitro fertilization” and embryo implantation.

3 Jacob Boehme, Aurora: the Day Spring, 1612, transcribed Wayne Kraus, Online Edition, 2:77

*Researchers: You may use this essay as a resource.  Please credit the source.*
D S Reif

Update: 8/18/21
 Summary of the Pistis Sophia, (Of His Own Incarnation) G.R.S. Mead, p 461

"Into Mary, His mother, also He had implanted a power higher than them all, "the body which I bore Of His own the height," and also another power instead of the soul, and so Jesus was born. It was He Himself who had watched over the birth of His disciples, so that no soul of the world-rulers should be found in them, but one of a higher nature."

This is a description of Christ implanting his own (human) embryo into Mary Theotokos. 

Full text click HERE

For the complete Update click AUTOGENE

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